Monday, September 9, 2013

August 2013 Japan Trip: Lives, Shopping, Friends, Loads of Fun! Part 2

Hello! I'm back with Part 2 today ♪ Are you ready?

There aren't many pictures this time round, well except maybe taking some pictures off Google (because pictures of the bands)

That's why I decided to merge Day 2 and Day 3's post together. Hehe~!

Update from after I finished my blog post. Crap this is long!

I'm sorry folks, but I guess I'll have to shift the Speed Disk and Alice Nine live post to tomorrow!

Yea okay enough of me blabbering. Let's start! /o/


Firstly I sincerely apologize for the lack of photos I took in Shibuya. I was too amazed by everything. /shot

Also I forgot to take a photo of my outfit before heading out because we were rushing...(I took too long oops) But it's technically the exact same thing as what I wore for my photoshoot with Ryuto ☆ You can view the coordinate >> here <<

Oh my gosh Final Fantasy *^*

Hello Hachiko!

It didn't work out as well as I thought

Shibuya's streets. Ohohoh~

So there were basically a lot of few places we wanted to go. If I had to name them...

1. Tower Records
3. Disney Store
4. 109 MENS
5. 109

I see your judging faces already like why the heck will you go to 109 MENS Yumi why

I had to cosplay Hiroto for Alice Nine Anniversary Live the next day that's why 109 MENS is in the list. I needed to buy jeans for Hiroto.

But anyway, we made our way down to Tower Records first. 

Here's Marui City, took a shot of it because Alice Nine's Live Streaming was going to be here the next day. ♥

We're finally here!

It's quite a walk from Shibuya station's Hachiko Exit till Tower Records, but at least the sign is big enough for people to spot! ...Well except for sotong people like me who totally couldn't see the sign till Mazu pointed it out @_@

So we went in, and I was greeted with...


Okay joking he didn't eat me. /shot or else why would I be blogging right

But in all seriousness though. That is freaking AWESOME! Literally Colossal Titan right in front of your face. I was pretty shocked when I first saw it ☆

Hi I want the blu-rays too

The Jpop/Jrock/Visual Kei section was on the 3rd floor, so we headed up the elevator~

Obligatory photo of Perfume-related stuff because of my brother

You know that one thing in Tower Records that makes it so awesome to visit? That's right. THE VISUAL KEI BAND CHEKIS. I REALLY WANTED TO SEE THEM REALLY BADLY especially the SuG ones. Here's a few pictures of the chekis there!

Really recent one of Royz~ Subaru looks so cute

Here it is SuG my babies

They're so cute I'm just

Can you hear my inner fangirl

ViViD during PRECIOUS period this is nostalgic

ViViD during FAKE period look at Reno's transformation

vistlip cheki look at them all aww

Even more recent cheki of Royz, when EGOIST first dropped!

I didn't lie about these being a few pictures only okay. There were much more, but obviously I was only targeting a few bands, heh!

I didn't buy anything at Tower Records that day, though. For myself at least! I bought my friend Shera EGOIST Type B, and I got a free EGOIST postcard along with it~ It's really pretty. Also got my brother Perfume's live DVD because he wanted it so badly.

Our next stop was the Disney Store just across the road.

I forgot the take a picture of the entrance, but I think it looked like a mushroom. Correct me if I'm wrong, I have the best selective memory ever.

The moment you step's like whoa, you're in a whole new world. (see that reference right there)

But really, it's amazing in there! I really liked how the stairs leading to the upper levels were the kinds you'd see in big pink castles. ...Or at least I'd think you would see them in big pink castles.

I didn't really want to take pictures of the items in case it was against the rules of the store, but I did take some pictures of their mini Disney exhibits.

Pinocchio! Super cute.

I wanted that bear.

The only picture I took of their sales item. Because I wanted to point out that they actually have Rapunzel together with the classic Disney Princesses from my time. (I feel old)
Extremely heart-warming.

I think I just entered the world of Toy Story

Look! Aren't they cute!

I didn't buy anything here either. /shot

But just going around the store was really nice. I really wanted a teddy bear though, although it's kind of embarrassing for my age. Bullshit nothing is embarrassing I DO WHAT I WANT

Next stop was TSUTAYA! A little further down the road. I...took absolutely no photos of this store.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but TSUTAYA is like a giant book/DVD/CD/magazine store. 6 floors high, if I'm not mistaken. (or was it 7)

We headed straight up to the magazines section because we wanted to get SHOXX! The one with GazettE on the cover. However it was already sold out...because it came with freebies.

I managed to get KERA from TSUTAYA though, was really happy to get it after a whole year of not buying. My inner fashion coordinator was dying.

We moved on to 109 MENS...and I tell you that place was paradise.

I mean, firstly you have really cool mens clothings all around you.

And secondly you have really good looking shop attendants there to help you? Tell me why they're all working for mens clothing stores sobs

I went straight up to I believe was the 4th floor (or was it 6th omg my memory) to look at my favourite Shibuya mens clothes stores, FUGA and Murder License.

I was immediately attracted to the jeans sold at Murder License. even though my mum doesn't like them

I walked one big round on the level before finally stopping back at Murder License though. Guess how awkward I felt, a girl walking in 109 MENS!?

I went over to look at the jeans, oh my gosh they are gorgeous (I'll put up a photo below just wait for it).

The shop attendant came over to assist us, and of course, he spoke in Japanese at first, thinking that we are Japanese as well. Until my mum spoke English at least!

I went to try the jeans, because my mum was afraid the smallest size was too big for me (Newflash: Some Japanese men are small *COUGHRUKICOUGHTAKERUCOUGH*).

Because I had to remove my boots to go into the dressing room, I got to talk to the shop attendant for a bit. I found it really cute how he squatted down in front of me because I squatted as well to take off my boots, haha! Super adorable.

He asked me whether I could speak and understand Japanese, and I told him I could, simple Japanese at least. Next was to ask where I was from, of course. After I replied, this was the next thing he said.


hi don't do this to me my heart can't take it oh stop it you

For those who can't understand Japanese, he basically called me pretty. Which I violently reacted to by saying that it's not true. HAHAHA

So I tried the jeans out, and it fit really nicely! I love the colour of the jeans so much too. I know you're waiting for the picture. Bear with me a while longer.

What I find really cute about some Japanese stores is that after you buy something, the shop attendant will personally hold on to your shopping bag until you step out of the store, and pass it to you personally, thanking you for coming by to shop. Well isn't that sweet! Of course I was feeling pretty shy because it was the same shop attendant who assisted me the whole way through, heh.

Here's the jeans! Aren't they just so pretty. The price was really pretty too. 8'D
Can you understand why Hiroto said 12000yen is just 12000yen now

Our last and final stop for shopping in Shibuya: 109. Let's just put this simply. I wanted to buy the whole shopping mall. /shot

But really, with stores like Galaxxxy, Baby Shoop, tutuHA by GLAVIL, Ruby Rose...I felt like I was going mad!

I really really tried my best to limit my spending, because I wanted to shop more at Harajuku on Monday. So I only bought clothings and accessories from Ruby Rose and tutuHA.

Ruby Rose was....a really really pink store. The whole store literally screamed "LOLITA" and "FAIRY KEI" at you. I felt so gay walking in but hey, I'm a girl =v=;;

What I found really endearing about the store was that everything sold was handmade by the shop owners themselves. While they were at the cashier even, they were piecing together their works of art while attending to the customers! I felt so touched. You don't get this in Singapore!

I got myself a candy coloured bead necklace and a lacy bunny headdress. Their pictures will be put in the a separate post that features my fashion haul, sorry! The pants are the only exception because I used it for cosplay.

Next up was tutuHA. Everything there was really gorgeous, even the shop attendants were gorgeous. The shop was much smaller than I imagined it to be, though! But it didn't matter because it was still so pretty!

This was the shop attendant who assisted me at tutuHA! Except now she has short hair.
She's super pretty!

And like I always say...pretty clothes have very pretty prices. I had to settle with only one piece of clothing because everything was so expensive.

The shop attendant helped me choose what to buy, of course. Also I wore tutuHA's tank top that day, so she complimented my coordinate, saying that it was really cool. I felt so happy! She was kind of shocked when I told her I wasn't Japanese though, she said my Japanese was really good >__< Aww!

Luckily the accessories section was having a 30% discount off the second item offer, so I rushed there to see what I could get, heh! /typical Singaporean

I was super attracted to the spider ring. It's gorgeous. I mean it. There were 2 colours, silver and black, but I really loved the black one. (Heck I really love black) Also got a devil horns headband in black! The shop attendant said I looked really cute with them, haha!

Although I bought nothing else from other stores, there was a particular store I really really wanted to take a look at. Can you guess?

I mean no wonder this is Takeru's favourite store!

Congratulations to those who actually guessed *lol* I really wanted to see Galaxxxy. And when I did, it screams Takeru. Don't you think so, Takeru fans?

My look that day ☆

Because Mazu and I had SPEED DISK to get to in the afternoon, we all headed back to the hotel to put our things down and rest before heading back out to SHIBUYA O-EAST.

Resting in progress~

...And resting in progress for me right now as well! Oh my goodness it's already 4AM, and this blog post is really long. HAHA

Like my mini update at the start of the post, I'm sorry but I'll have to move my live reports on SPEED DISK and Alice Nine Anniversary Live to tomorrow's post. Terribly sorry to whoever who was looking forward to it!

So yea, I'm going to head to bed now. I schedule my posts so that they publish at 8PM every night by the way, I'm not a magician! HAHA

I'm heading to bed now ☆

Good night! ♪

See you again tomorrow for my blog post on SPEED DISK and World's End Daybreak  #2 ~OKYAKUSAMA DAIICHI SHUGI~ wow i didn't think i'd remember that selective memory much


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