Tuesday, September 17, 2013

August 2013 Japan Trip: Lives, Shopping, Friends, Loads of Fun! Part 4

Hello my readers!

I'm sorry for not updating for the past 2 days, I've been really tired especially after choir practices which I am heading to right now as well. sigh.
But!! Promise is a promise ☆ 

I shall shut up and start my blog post now, LOL

that was long

Before I begin, I want to first leave a note that there are much better live reports floating around the internet as well as screenshots from the livestream on NicoLive.

This is just a version of my experience before, during and after the live ☆

Still remember the pants I bought from 109? I was wearing it! Hiroto cosplay haha. I forgot my eyelid tape in Singapore, so I had to buy eyelid glue in Japan... and oh my goodness I took forever to do it! >__< Luckily it worked eventually, haha!

Makeup complete!

Hiroto wig on ☆

Coordinate for Hiroto Cosplay ♪ Black Period T-shirt, cardigan and Murder License jeans!

We headed out to mos burger for breakfast after that ☆ Honestly I wonder if the cashier woman could remember me from all my looks everyday...LOLOL

i only took pics of my breakfast today that's why i'm sharing them with you. I practically ate the same thing everyday for breakfast so...yea. 8D

Mazu and I arrived at Shibuya quite  early, so we stopped at Marui City to watch the Alice Nine Countdown Live being played on the screen, heh. In contrary to what I imagined, the screen at Marui City was really rather...small.

I met Charlie afterwards and we went back to Marui City to find Mazu, where we waited for the staff to give out the free fans...

In front of us were people doing Alice Nine's designed gellish nails. I swear the price was crazy, over $100 just for that? no thanks.

The nail seals however are super cute! ;u;
This isn't mine by the way

After getting our fans...which I desperately squeezed to the front to get HAHAHAHA it's good being small

Charlie, Mazu and I headed over to Shibuya Public Hall or also once known as CC Lemon Hall. We got lost at first because Charlie is such a bad guide.

I was surprised when we reached there because the queue was surprisingly short! It's mostly because of what I've experienced in Singapore at Sundown Festival as well as what Mazu told me about Gazette MELT that made me imagine that the queue would be really long, lol =A=

Let me tell you something :I

I think Saga cursed me that day or something.

I got so much of Saga!? I wish I took a picture of it before I traded all the cards away. I bought 9 cards, and 6 of them were Saga. i know right. And I'm not even a Saga fan! x(

Also I realized that a lot of other fans were trying to give away their Saga cards as well. Saga is surprisingly unpopular amongst the Japanese Number Sixes ówò Charlie said it's probably because of his mindset, how he likes beautiful women more than cute *lol*

I also met loads of new friends! They're all non-Japanese fans as well. 2 of them are English teachers in Japan, haha! 1 is currently studying there in Yokohama. The other 3 were there on vacation, if you exclude Charlie LOL

Ashleigh aka pandomi
Alison aka lovemiku
Patricia aka cherry1608
Rachael aka merorororin/fuu-rin

Oh, and Charlie aka Shoucolate who I already met on my first day in Japan. Do you guys know any of them? :P

Queuing with Charlie for merchandise! It drizzled a little, haha.

Obligatory selca of myself kk

Mazu, Rachael, Sachi, Denise, Patricia, me and Charlie!
Al and Ashleigh weren't paying attention
Credits to Mazu for the picture ♪

After...much contemplation. I brought my Saga cards around to trade. I managed to trade away most of them except one 8'D But the fans were really nice, they'll ask you who you're looking for, then check their cards for your bias, and trade with you! But Saga was really hard to trade away 8'D

After a lot of trading, my final product ☆

Oh, there's an extra Alice in Wondercurry Shou card too <3

I'm showing you because for some reason they all went missing, which made me really mad because it disappeared in the hotel room.

Because Mazu bought our tickets through GFC, we got really good tickets at Row 9 ☆ ...On Saga's side. i know right.

The 2 people directly in front of me were 2 Alice Nine cosplayers as well! Saga and Hiroto version Court of 9 #4 x) I followed their actions throughout the live. ♡ However the girl to my north east direction...I wonder why she was even at the concert. Throughout the live she was minding her own business, she even went off somewhere halfway through! I was so mad at her.

Although we actually weren't to take any photos *lol* Here's one we took before the live ☆

Credits to Mazu!

Charlie sat beside me. Whee!
At 5.30, actually later than that...the lights dimmed, and it began...


[L > R] Hiroto (gu.), Tora (gu.), Shou (vo.), Saga (ba.), Nao (dr.)

Before I continue with the report, for the sake of my non-A9 fan readers, I will do a small introduction of A9, since they are the highlight of my whole Japan trip after all! HAHA ♡♡


Alice Nine is a band signed under Peace Smile Company, which is famous for other bands such as The GazettE. They have been around since 2004, which makes 2013 their 9th year as Alice Nine. Some recommended songs of theirs that I know can be found on youtube are

Niji no Yuki
Heart of Gold

Kowloon ~Nine Heads Rodeo Show~
Heisei Juushichinen Shichigatsu Nanoka
Number Six

Also if you want to know more about them (and see their funny side), check out Arisu9Channeru on Youtube as well ;)
1. Shunkashuutou
2. Velvet
4. blue planet
5. Affection
7. Scarlet
8. Haikara naru rinbukyoku
9. Zankyou WHITEOUT
10. Gekkou yoku
11. Waterfall
12. Heisei Juushichinen Shichigatsu Nanoka
13. Mugen no Hana
14. Daybreak
15. Q.
18. the Arc
19. Hana
20. Heart of Gold
21. the beautiful name

I'm only going to cover the interesting things that happened during the live, heheh ☆ (and the MC) You probably don't need me to tell you that all 5 of them were amazing on stage already ♥♡♥♡

During Blue Planet, I was squealing over the last part because that ShouTora moment was sooo cute! (as a brOTP.)

Shou was singing to Tora the last line of Blue Planet and then they high fived.

The gif is everywhere on tumblr, you should check it out ☆

Also if you watched the livestream on NicoLive, you'd realize that Tora took off his jacket halfway through the live...but there was a part which they did not stream which was Tora taking off the jacket. For some reason, the jacket was extremely tight and refused to come off, LOLOL. A backstage crew member was practically pulling so hard on the jacket while Tora was running forward but it was STILL STUCK ON! Charlie and I were laughing so hard. Charlie drew a comic about it too, check it out on her tumblr ↓↓

→ Shoucolate ←

During Haikara, Saga jumped down the stage during his bass solo! I'm not a Saga fan but...that doesn't stop me from going crazy during the live! Because I was right at the aisle together with Charlie and Mazu, both of us reached out for him! Charlie and Mazu got to touch his arm. I on the other hand, felt some cloth...

...I touched his chest I'M SORRY SAGA I DIDN'T MEAN IT OMG

During the encore, Tora came out first and he was complaining how he's always the first out...HAHA

But what was more hilarious was when he said

"My father..."


"...isn't here."

"You guys got tricked didn't you!"


Shortly after Nao joined him onstage, with his fabulous glasses

Those glasses

And Saga as well.

Saga started talking about how Nao's parents were here (they really were, HAHA! Over the 2nd floor box at Tora/Saga side) and how Nao's brother was not.

And also about how Nao's brother's girlfriend was supposedly really beautiful!

He really beat around the bush there, and Tora was just like "Just what are you getting at exactly?" in which Saga replied "I want to see Nao's brother's girlfriend."


I forgot what got Nao talking about this, but he was telling us about how when he was playing the drums on stage just now (I should've noticed ahhh) he did something that he usually only does during practices in the studio, but he totally forgot that they were really holding a live at the moment.

After he finished playing a song he'd flex his arm muscles to see how they are, HAHAHA! I can't believe I missed seeing that moment on stage! Nao re-enacting it out for us was mighty hilarious, though.

By the time Nao finished talking Tora was calling out for help from Shou and Hiroto, who came in with their arms around each other's shoulders, it's adorable I know!

Hiroto proceeded over to his guitar and amp, and when Shou was about to begin MC, Hiroto pulled out his digicam and told everyone to pose for the camera and his side of the hall literally went dead quiet. While all the other members were just staring at him HAHAHA

Shou then gave a little comment that Hiroto is very my-pace. ☆

Basically after that, Shou began Alice Nine's extremely emotional talk about how they felt so grateful etc but the funny part was when Saga decided to go up to the electronic keyboard and play a tune as BGM. Shou looked back at Saga and he stopped playing for a moment, after which Shou told him he didn't need to play any BGM, but when Shou turned back to the audience to continue his MC Saga started playing again. asshole I know

When Shou passed the MC time over to Nao, I forgot for what reason >__<, Saga stopped playing the keyboard and went to tune his bass. At the very moment Nao started talking. Everyone was laughing so hard, Nao was baffled, and all Saga said was "It felt appropriate for the timing."

If you probably guessed after Nao's MC time was up and Shou continued his MC again Saga started playing on the keyboard once more. Shou was laughing a lot ♡

After the beautiful name, which was the last song they played that night, Alice Nine announced their next live tour, which you can check out at their Official HomePage~

(I cried at the beautiful name by the way but who doesn't cry at the beautiful name)

The whole concert ended around 8.30PM, so after getting flyers from the bands who were around the area uwu ♡ Charlie, Rachael, Patricia, Ashleigh, Alison, Mazu and I headed for dinner. Oh, Mazu's friend also joined us after the live. :3 Sachi and Denise didn't join us because it was too expensive.

Picture with Charlie ohoho

Picture with Rachael
Credits to her~ hehe

So we saw Sadako on the way back

Charlie was trying to take a photo
But Rachael and I decided photobomb
I look fabulous

This random group of Japanese people wanted to take a photo with us!
They also said Sadako isn't scary, it's comical horror.

And that more or less summarizes my day at Alice Nine's Anniversary Live.

Even though Alice Nine didn't sing all of my favourite songs, I was still really touched to see them on stage, in real life, on such an important day. The last time I saw them was at Sundown Festival last year, haha! Where I got to shake Shou, Nao, Tora and Saga's hands ☆ Though I admit that I was slightly displeased because even though I was at Row 9 it was still quite far behind.

Meeting new friends there was really heartening as well, I still keep in contact with them you know! Especially Rachael x) ♪

I really want to go for another Alice Nine concert, but I guess that will just have to wait, haha ☆

Thank you for such a wonderful 25 August 2013.

Best concert experience ever in my entire life ♡


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