Saturday, February 23, 2013

J-Obsession @ Cathay!

No WAY!! I didn't blog about Chinese New Year in the end! Sorry guys :( Too caught up with projects recently!!

Anyway, just to make an announcement that DECOPIC has died on me and I can't seem to filter my photos anymore ;A; I'M SO SAD. Gonna wait for till they fix the problem..till then, enjoy unfiltered pictures guys HAHAHAHAHA /shot

So so, I went to J-Obsession Day 2 yesterday! :) Didn't have costume ready of course, so I went shopping for some stuff since I decided to do Visual Kei style instead :3

Went out to buy a pair of falsies from Daiso and CANMAKE gel eyeliner from Watsons.

Just a quick review, CANMAKE gel eyeliner is a really good option to choose if you are looking for a gel eyeliner that stays on for a long time. I had mine on from 11am all the way to 11pm. LOL! :D Especially good for those who like full lid visual kei eyemake like me. A must have!!

Picture of me with the base makeup + base eyemake on only :3

In total I took about...1 hour. then almost nearing another hour for falsies :( but that wasn't my fault! Dx my lower falsies suddenly played hide-and-seek with me...I was frantically searching my whole table for it till I found it under my book =A= How did it get there!?

Here's the full make picture! x3 I'm on the MRT

It was super hilarious because today was Flag Day, and I could tell the students were all obviously avoiding me. They would walk past me to the person further away from them to ask for donations...hahahaha! Am I that scary looking? Even the cashier at MacDonalds when I went with my friend to eat there seemed like she didn't want me to stay at Macs Dx

With MURA!!! Finally met her again after so so long! ;w;

I must confess though that my whole intention of going to J-Obsession in the first place wasn't the event itself. I just wanted to chill with my friends..which yep, I got to do so :D Got to see Murasaki, Regina, Deepa, Amanda, Yosuke, Reiko, Nanami ... and not to mention...

My DARLING YUMO!!!! ♥♥♥♥

Yumo was my school friend in Secondary School by the way. Heehee. My bestie. :3 ♥ Finally saw her again after over a month.. I miss her so much! ;u; I miss SCGS so much!!!!

Ah, picture spam ahead of some photos I took using Yumo's phone! :D

Yumo & I

Amanda, Yumo, Murasaki and Regina! :DDD

Yumo and I again :D And she has my sunglasses. HAHAHAHAHA. Super swag plz :3 /shot

Love love love LOVE this picture!! Yumo took it for me. Yep, that's what I wore to J-Obsession :3


Bet you guys didn't know I am a strawberry freak. HAHAHA. Well now you know. :P

After Yumo and Regina left Amanda, Murasaki and I went up to Ben & Jerry's to eat ice cream...I had Very Berry Sorbet! Because they didn't have Lemon & Lime Sorbet :( I was such a sad kid.

We shared a few videos while chilling there...I showed them funny videos of LM.C :3 You should go watch too if you like LM.C! Maya is too adorable annoying Aiji XD And Aiji is too awesome forever not responding to Maya :P

Murasaki and I also planned a bit of our Japan trip in August~ Say, do you think we should go to SEGA Joypolis in Tokyo? :3 We're thinking about darling readers, leave a comment in the dropbox if you think we should go? :D Check out the place in the link below!!

All in all, I didn't really spend a lot of time at the event itself. But it was really fun catching up with all my friends since I haven't seen them with school started... It's nice to see them once in awhile, because no one in school can actually fangirl over the same things as me except Riyuu. :( Was feeling so happy talking to all of them till the point that I didn't want to go home so...I'm kind of having post-event blues right now. D:

Today was an awesome day for me! Really really loved my image today, can't wait to get photos from this photographer who helped me organize a "mini shoot" at Cathay. Got to hang out with friends too and laugh over ridiculously idiotic things, and hoping to hang out with them even more...I really miss them that much when they're not with me x(

As for Visual Kei makeup, I'm gonna put it at a rest for now..maybe I'll do it again during March holidays! If I'm feeling happy, haha. Well, before that, got lots of presentations to chiong! See you guys


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