Monday, September 15, 2014

Visual Kei goodies!? Band Merchandise (vol. Accessories)

Hi guys! I'm back today (I totally forgot to post about my other blogpost being up....) with something a little different from the usual. 

As many of you might know I'm a big fan of Visual Kei, ever since my trip in 2013 I've been starting to listen to more indie bands and feel my money depleting away ever so slowly. /weeps

During my trip last year, this year and other instances such as Visual Kei band lives in Singapore, webstore shopping...I'm proud (not my wallet however) to own a wide variety of stuff now, although these are only from several bands that I listen to and not all!

I figured that since I've never blogged about them before and people love seeing my Visual Kei stuff that I do one today instead of the usual September Project posts :) Of course, I'll still be continuing on that, in the subsequent posts!

Introducing to you part of my Visual Kei collection, the accessories! :)

I need more of these really.

What I own:
SuG scrunchie ; bandana
LEZARD scrunchie
landz. scrunchie ; star necklace
LM.C bandana ; light bracelet ; MIDI rings
Alice Nine light ring ; MIDI ring
ViV light rings

It's a pity that I don't usually use head accessories. I found the SuG bandana in Closet Child Harajuku back in 2013. I really like Closet Child (you should give it a visit when you're there!), you can get lots of secondhand stuff there at reasonable prices. Ranging of CDs to magazines to band merchandise, of course! 

The LM.C bandana on the other hand was bought when I went for their live at Shibuya AX in March 2014. It was a VisuAni event, and my friend and I actually got the tickets before the whole line-up was out. So when Gaijin John-san announced that LM.C would be one of the bands playing...gosh I went bonkers. Haha!

Love the designs. SuG's is from Thrill Ride Pirates whilst LM.C's from Perfect Fantasy!

It was my first time watching LM.C in March (I missed their live with SuG in 2010), and although I was pretty far behind it was a good experience all in all. I also watched Jin-Machine for the first time at that live, they're pretty ridiculous. But they play good music. HAHA!! If you like Golden Bomber's music style, you should give them a try!

How I wore my SuG bandana to the Update Ver. 0 live-screening

I like to wear my bandanas either as a scarf or a bunny-ear head accessory, though the latter is only because Maya does that with his bandana as well.

How I wore my LM.C bandana in Japan :3

Of course that's not all, I bought quite a few things from LM.C's goods table because it's not everyday I get to buy from them, right? My friend broke her umbrella because of the crazy wind that day so I bought an umbrella...although it wasn't even raining after the live.

LM.C and Alice Nine's midi rings!

Bands deciding to produce MIDI rings as merchandise is probably the worst news for my poor wallet. I love collecting accessories, so I really couldn't take my eyes of the LM.C MIDI rings when I saw them...I actually overlooked them at first. TT__TT /could have saved money

I used to own another Alice Nine MIDI ring, but I lost that on the flight to Japan in March. So to console myself I bought the LM.C MIDI ring set, which only cost 600yen, surprisingly. Both designs are the same except one is gold-accented and the other, silver-accented.

I also own the Alice ring from Supernova Symphonia's Ali-can. I have the Nine ring as well, but I gave that as a present to my friend.

Beautiful rings ;3;

It was a miracle that I actually got the Alice Nine MIDI rings, they were by random! However I don't usually wear gold-accented accessories and the Ali-cans actually sold out before any of the Standard ticket holders could get them, so I wanted to share some joy with my friend. Hehe.

Besides MIDI rings, there's the normal size rings (they don't look normal sized I know) of course!

However these rings aren't just any kind of rings, they're light-up rings for live performance use. I wasn't supposed to buy the Supernova Symphonia ring but my itchy hands said "BUY IT".

Alice Nine and ViV's light rings!

There's generally 2 types of the light-up rings, one is the plastic, box type (Alice Nine's) that has a standard light. Usually bands that play more of the generic, or hardcore Visual Kei music would have this kind of rings as their merchandise.

It glowssssss!!!!

On the other hand, the rubber type that comes in various colours and shapes are the flashing light rings. Usually bands that play Oshare Kei, or Kira Kira Kei music use this kind of rings! To name a few, ViV, Kameleo...

The flashing light rings are usually more generic in design so you don't need to be afraid of people calling you out for using another band's merchandise at a live. Though honestly, I don't think it matters. The bad thing about these, though is that it can melt or mould under heat. So those who own these rings, take good care of them!!

Another bad thing there is about these rings is that you can never change the batteries, which is a bummer. But I guess that's how the bands keep getting fans to buy more! :x

LM.C's light bracelet and landz.'s light necklace

There's never something called too much light! I'm not sure why I bought these either but I do wear them to various lives for the sake of being shiny. Haha!

I double up the landz.'s light necklace as a normal necklace sometimes. What I like about it? It has 3 different light modes, so depending on the tempo of the music you can adjust your necklace's light mode to suit it. Cool, huh? I think I used to have something similar in kindergarten, actually. xD

L > R: landz., LEZARD, SuG's scrunchies

I still don't get the function of scrunchies at lives, truth to be told. But I'm obsessed with these stuff because I love accessories. I do use them for my hair, but these lovelies double up as pretty "bracelets" as well.

Fashion inspiration anyone?

Out of the 3 scrunchies that I own at the moment, my favourite is the landz. scrunchie. They actually have 4 different designs, this one being Towa's design. The tag used to say landz. on it but as I use it too often the tag has already faded...

Why I love it? It's made of red velvet. I think it's really rare to find scrunchies made using velvet cloth. I fell in love with it when I saw Towa wearing it on his wrist at the live I first saw landz. at, so even though it was my first time seeing them I just had to buy it. xD Which is a decision I don't regret, landz. is disbanding in October so I won't be able to ever see them again, so I'm happy I decided to buy their merchandise that day.

Unfortunately, no giveaways! (yet?) I'm trying to sift through my collection to see if I have anything up for giveaway, so stay tuned for more! 

And with that, I'll see you in my next September Project blogpost! 

Thanks for reading as usual and bye!~


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