Thursday, March 21, 2013

Archived Dreams: 8/3/2013


Hello darlings! Yes, I'm back to haunt you again, mwahaha. Don't worry, this is a really short post! There will only be a SPAMMAGE of photos :P

As you all should know (I think.) but if you don't know, I'm part of the Ngee Ann Poly DPA group of 2013 :) During mid January till mid March my ex-schoolmates were either waiting for Poly to start or starting JC..I was having Ngee Ann Preparatory Programme :DD And this excursion to Singapore Flyer was part of the programme! ^^ ~

I'm from the school of Humanities and Social Sciences! Aka. HMS. My schoolmates? AWESOME. Guess what. We all wore blue to the Singapore Flyer! WAHAHA!! :DD Pre-planned~ And everyone cooperated! Team spirit right there peepos! <3 <3

So yeah! I wanted to share all my photos from Flyer trip with my friends on my blog goes nothing :3

With Chi Ling! 

With Elaine~~ <3

With Chiang Yee!!! :DDD

With Valerie mama and Nicole! :3

With Riyuu, Corn and Gina. 8D

My ticket! <3 $33 for a expensive!

My ticket and...I forgot whose ticket already, whoops! Dx

The layout of the flyer! Isn't it gorgeous? :)

Walking to the Flyer..the place really upgraded since the first time I went there!

Beautiful corridors...~

Round things everywhere! @u@

Orbit of the Singapore city area!?

..What was this again? @u@

Yaye! We're in the Flyer~!!!

With my HMS classmates...and some BA students from Dancesport! :)

Chiang Yee and Elaine! CMC pride! <3

F1 Pit..! Aka where Sundown Festival is held..! Doesn't look like it, right!? OAO

Beautiful, beautiful golf course~ The water looks really pretty too!

With MANDYYYY!! And Elaine photobombing behind..rawr!

With m'darling RUTHIE <3 <3 

With Chiang Yee! Woop woop!

Reaching the peak of the Flyer!

The scene is absolutely beautiful nearing the top! No more construction going on everywhere..! :D


View of MBS, Art Science Museum from the Flyer :)

With Katie!! ^^ ~~~

Nearing the end of the flight...:'(

I always love looking down..super pretty view down there :)

The Singapore Flyer kind of marked the end of the Preparatory Programme (besides the Bintan camp!) and it really feels like time just passed way too fast :( Now it's over and...I really miss having classes with my HMS peepos. When new school term starts, it'll be new people all over again. Of course, I won't forget all the friends I made during DPA! All of them are really sweet and lovable and I hope I'll be able to stay in contact with them for a really, really long time. Having to make so many new friends in DPA really heartens me. I feel accepted into this new environment. Heheh, I guess Ngee Ann qualified in everything as my dream school now. <3 I love you all my darlings if you're reading this! Don't ever forget me okay! >P Just kidding. XD But you better don't.'s late and I have to go :( So sorry if this post was short! I'll try to do something tomorrow as well! :) Till then! Stay well my readers!


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