Sunday, March 31, 2013

Post Photoshoot (Tuesday, 26/3/13) Pictures

Hello lovelies! I am backkkk! :DDD

This is going to be a short post by the way. I had a photoshoot recently and I'm just here to share the photos with all of you :)

I had a lot of fun shooting with my lovely partner Ryuto that day, she's so bishie can. :sighs: LOL! 

This is her blog by the way, do support her as well!! -->

Many thanks to Kazu for the morning photoshoot and Archie for the night photoshoot! :3 Really appreciate it!

And now without further ado...the photoshoot picturessss!!

Pardon my poor editing skills. /sobs (for the night pictures)

I hope you like the pictures :D Do leave comments below~ 

And by the way, I just started using Instagram!! Follow me, please? :D


That'll by all from me today, see you~!!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Archived Dreams: 8/3/2013


Hello darlings! Yes, I'm back to haunt you again, mwahaha. Don't worry, this is a really short post! There will only be a SPAMMAGE of photos :P

As you all should know (I think.) but if you don't know, I'm part of the Ngee Ann Poly DPA group of 2013 :) During mid January till mid March my ex-schoolmates were either waiting for Poly to start or starting JC..I was having Ngee Ann Preparatory Programme :DD And this excursion to Singapore Flyer was part of the programme! ^^ ~

I'm from the school of Humanities and Social Sciences! Aka. HMS. My schoolmates? AWESOME. Guess what. We all wore blue to the Singapore Flyer! WAHAHA!! :DD Pre-planned~ And everyone cooperated! Team spirit right there peepos! <3 <3

So yeah! I wanted to share all my photos from Flyer trip with my friends on my blog goes nothing :3

With Chi Ling! 

With Elaine~~ <3

With Chiang Yee!!! :DDD

With Valerie mama and Nicole! :3

With Riyuu, Corn and Gina. 8D

My ticket! <3 $33 for a expensive!

My ticket and...I forgot whose ticket already, whoops! Dx

The layout of the flyer! Isn't it gorgeous? :)

Walking to the Flyer..the place really upgraded since the first time I went there!

Beautiful corridors...~

Round things everywhere! @u@

Orbit of the Singapore city area!?

..What was this again? @u@

Yaye! We're in the Flyer~!!!

With my HMS classmates...and some BA students from Dancesport! :)

Chiang Yee and Elaine! CMC pride! <3

F1 Pit..! Aka where Sundown Festival is held..! Doesn't look like it, right!? OAO

Beautiful, beautiful golf course~ The water looks really pretty too!

With MANDYYYY!! And Elaine photobombing behind..rawr!

With m'darling RUTHIE <3 <3 

With Chiang Yee! Woop woop!

Reaching the peak of the Flyer!

The scene is absolutely beautiful nearing the top! No more construction going on everywhere..! :D


View of MBS, Art Science Museum from the Flyer :)

With Katie!! ^^ ~~~

Nearing the end of the flight...:'(

I always love looking down..super pretty view down there :)

The Singapore Flyer kind of marked the end of the Preparatory Programme (besides the Bintan camp!) and it really feels like time just passed way too fast :( Now it's over and...I really miss having classes with my HMS peepos. When new school term starts, it'll be new people all over again. Of course, I won't forget all the friends I made during DPA! All of them are really sweet and lovable and I hope I'll be able to stay in contact with them for a really, really long time. Having to make so many new friends in DPA really heartens me. I feel accepted into this new environment. Heheh, I guess Ngee Ann qualified in everything as my dream school now. <3 I love you all my darlings if you're reading this! Don't ever forget me okay! >P Just kidding. XD But you better don't.'s late and I have to go :( So sorry if this post was short! I'll try to do something tomorrow as well! :) Till then! Stay well my readers!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Full lid Visual Kei eyemake tutorial!


I'm... kinda nervous about this. Dohoh. This is my first time doing a makeup tutorial.

But because my friends requested and I promised them, here you guys are :D My first ever makeup tutorial on full lid Visual Kei eyemake.

There might have been some stuff I left out/have been unclear about so feel free to drop me a comment if you have a question! I'll be more than glad to answer 

So...yeah! I hope this tutorial can help you :) !

At this point, it's always good to have a reference photo :D Try to search for pictures of Visual Kei artistes in full eyelid makeup to give you a rough gauge of your makeup look :) I have 2  reference photos: The left one is the reference photo I used for my first try (DIAURA yo-ka in Lost November PV); The right one is a reference photo I got from my second try at this eyemake style :) It's always best to save a reference photo of this style with the eyes closed, because you'll know where to draw the highest point of your eyeliner! :)

ANDDDD YOU'RE DONE! :D Remember to do this for both eyes of course :) I was a lazy pig today so the picture you will see below this is going to be one eye with the completed eyemake and the other with half-completed eyemake =w=

I hope that this was useful to those who always wanted to learn full lid Visual Kei eyemake :) Of course, I'm sure there are much much much better tutorials online and on Youtube, but to those who requested, I hope this is able to aid you! :3 Thank you so much for reading this once again! So for now, bai bai~~ 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Passport Photo + Taobao Hauls !?

Hey guys!! I'm back again. Guess what? Preparatory Programme is officially OVER!! Well, the lessons part of it at least! For me. Heehee. I'm feeling so good about it right now! :D Means I can blog more often, but I'm such a lazyass it probably wouldn't happen B| /shot

Anyway anyway, today I went out to Serangoon NEX to collect some stuff I ordered on taobao :D After that I went to LP to get my passport photo done~ Heehee. :3

Was supposed to meet Yukiko at 2.30pm...ended up being a lazy procrastinator and left the house only at 2.30pm! Whoops. :x Well she was having lunch. /shot

ME TODAY!! Haha I know la act cute only. =w=

Oh! Guess what :3 I met Seph today at NEX as well! ^^ Although it was a weird first meeting because

1. It wasn't intentional.
2. I dropped my hairclip and had to trace back to find it.
3. I couldn't poke my gongcha cup with the straw on my first try.

WHY AM I SO CLUMSY /sobbingforeverbrb--

But but I really loved the gongcha :3 Thanks Seph for treating me to it! Wished I shook it harder though. All the passionfruit stuck at the bottom... WASTED :(

Went back home and met my mummy at LP to take my passport photo :) It really sucks that I have to show my eyebrows for my passport photo :( Look how derp I look with my hair pinned up.


:( I'm so derp. </3

The photo took about 15minutes to process so my mum brought me to Shop&Save first to top-up my card :3 She asked me to try on a pair of jeans at the small shop there too...the jeans were loose on my waist but tight on my thighs omg ahhh I'm dieting from now on MY LEGS ARE GETTING FAT. QAQ !!!

My passport photo! Bahaha. Look at how chubby I am :( </3 I'm so sad.

I took forever to get this part of the blog content done HAHAHAHA /mypaceyumi

Here are my hauls from Taobao! (oh and Daiso.)

Top from left to right: Purple pompom hairband, AVANTGARDE (imitation) bleeding tattoo stockings, Cat ears
Bottom from left to right: Skeleton tattoo tights, kreepsville666 (imitation) eyeball hairclip, Minnie Mouse tattoo stockings


Cat ears from DAISO Tampines

You must be wondering why the heck did I even buy this. /shot HAHAHAHAHA
My friend Setsu's (not Setsuka!) birthday is coming up, and she loves Alice Nine Hiroto~ I'm doing something special for her birthday...COSPLAYING AS HIROTO TROLOLOL.
This EXACT pair of cat ears I found at Daiso were the same ones Hiroto wore during Nao's Birthday Special Live back in 2011! So I decided to buy them so I can wear on her birthday :D looks kinda weird on me. Whoops :B


kreepsville666 (imitation) eyeball hairclip from YeiKyung Taobao

I've been eyeing this for over a year...and I finally buy it! Kyaaa ♥♥♥ Super happy with this GET! This is the hairclip I almost lost in NEX today :( So lucky that I got it back >w<

I know it's only about $4, so why take a whole year to get?! Well because I can't tie my hair like how I do usually back in Secondary school :( It's counted as outlandish hairstyling! Weirddddddd. >(

Being a happy hyper me of course I went ahead and tried it on straight away :D Even kept it there for almost the whole day once I reached home xP

kreepsville666 hairclip on! It looks super pretty! Ignore my fat face! :c

You'll definitely be seeing me wear this more often :) :) Hahaha!!


Purple pompom hairband from YeiKyung Taobao

I hope my friend didn't pack this wrongly! HAHAHA. It's a free gift I guess! Super cute and fluffy, but I don't use hairbands! So I gave it away :3


AVANTGARDE (imitation) bleeding tattoo stockings from YeiKyung Taobao

Whee!! I told my friends that I am going to have a lot of fun trolling them saying that I'm bleeding... and then get whacked on the head sobs--

Looks really pretty doesn't it? It's really nice to wear as well! But like all Japanese type stockings (including imitations.) IT"S TOO SHORT FOR ME IF I DON'T PULL IT HARD ENOUGH SOBBING JAPANESE STOP BEING SO SKINNY THIS IS SUPPOSED TO FIT PEOPLE MY HEIGHT

How it looks like when it's on!

Okay it isn't as bad as I made it out to be. :P But still! Dx

The bleeding area for the left leg doesn't seem to start from the knee unlike the picture though. But either ways, it's still lovely!


Skeleton tattoo tights from YeiKyung Taobao

Let me tell you a derp story guys.

These skeleton legs are the wrong way round.


Still looks nice when I put them on anyway XD

I was wondering why they look so weird when I put them on~ but hey! It's still really pretty :) Unless you're super anal about your skeleton structure being correct, you can consider this! Some people got the tights in the correct way so...I really guess it's luck x(

Oh's out of stock? D: Sorry guys </3 Never mind you can easily find another on taobao! And probably order one that's in the correct way XD !!

Definitely buying another of this though. I'm anal :( /shot Hahaha joking! Getting a coloured one and a semi-translucent one! :)


Minnie Mouse tattoo stockings from YeiKyung Taobao

I'm horribly in love with this pair of tattoo stockings! It's super ADORABLE!! No regrets in buying the Minnie Mouse one! The Mickey Mouse edition looks cute too, though!

When it's on~

I just think the idea of printing Mickey and Minnie as tattoo stockings is such a wonderful thing :) I mean look how cute it is when it's worn! I adore this pair too too much. Will wear it out, definitely!!

However, there is a defect in these stockings though...

Colour run!? I see Mickey on the back of my stockings!!

There are extra prints on these stockings. Whoops! :O Oh dear x( But honestly, it isn't very obvious from afar :) So it's not much of big deal xP UNLESS YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU HAVE A WEIRD STALKER HENTAI JIJI THAT STARES AT YOUR LEGS 24/7 THEN YES THIS DEFECT IS A BIG DEAL /shot

Not recommended for fussy buyers though :) Unless you're really lucky and happen to get a piece that doesn't have these defects. I read the reviews on the link, some people got perfect ones :)


So guys, one thing I learned about YeiKyung Taobao: PLEASE don't buy their stockings if you are a shit anal person :( Andddd that's about it from me today. Thanks for reading!! :D Here comes a short picture spam--

Picture I took before my bath..I love my hairclip too much!

Before and After I fill in my eyebrows. WAHAHAHAHAHA

See you guys ♥♥
