Saturday, September 19, 2015

I've been gone since forever... (A lil update)

Hello everyone!! I realized that some of my photos have become broken for some reason too but I have no idea what photos they're supposed to be I'm so sorry

I never got to finish my September Project (I'm such a lazy bum and all my lens expired in September ((to my dismay)), kill me right now) 

but I promise that I'll put up tutorials whenever I can (if only someone could sit me down and go like 'bij do your fakkin makeup')

Since I've been neglecting this blog for so long, I thought I'd put up some pictures that I haven't done so yet!! I realized that I never put up my photos from my Visual Kei shoot...

So here they are! feat. my princess Yuuki \o/

Of course, styling, makeup and concept by me *^^*

I started off the day with a more natural look then intensified my makeup midpoint of the shoot, so do expect a whole spam of photos ahead >:)

(Omakes are neccessary, yes)

HALF TIME!! We took a break here, as you can (or cannot) tell we moved from Bugis MRT to outside NLB to CHIJMES and lastly *Scape...we took a break at the HQ area, before moving on to the darker part of the shoot. Although Yuuki is always pretty and un-dark anyway (that is not a word.)

Just in case you are starting to think that Yuuki's shorter than me...

(weeps tragically)

Unlike the previous Otona Gal shoot, I'm not sure if this can be called a concept shoot..we went to lots of places for photos, there's many many more I shortlisted to edit from the 2nd half but maybe next time when I feel like it!

If anyone's wondering, yes as always the makeup has been inspired by various bandmen. Yuuki's is inspired by ex. VAASTU bassist, Siori. I've done a version on my own face before:

If requested I will try my best to do a makeup tutorial for it!! It's pretty simple to be honest, one tip however is to apply falsies before drawing the almond eye shape with your gel liner! I find this method best for people who are seeking to changing their eyeshape with liner, since it might get abit tricky to get the right angle and all on your first try.

Sticking on your lashes first will give you a rough gauge on where to extend your liner to! :) Also please don't try this look without lashes it looks super bad (said from experience)

My normal makeup look was inspired by LEZARD Natsume. I don't have the picture which I used as reference anymore, but feel free to check him out on Twitter because he's such a beautiful human being. In a crazy, weird band.

Finally, my own Visual Kei makeup was inspired by ex. Xepher drummer Setsu! I noticed that my eyes seem to fit heavier Visual Kei makeup looks more (I'm so so sure it's because my eyelids are thick) 

(Bless Setsu I love his makeup 5evr)

Here's once I tried before the shoot itself

It's pretty simple to achieve, if you follow my steps from the Visual Kei eyemake tutorial and basically extend the gel liner under eye, as well as add gradient with the red eyeshadow -- tadah! I used Sugarpill's eyeshadow palette to achieve the bright red effect here, really love their bright colours and how well it shows up even without initial primer /o/ \o\ 

As per usual, I will make a tutorial for this if there's a demand

Chekis for sale! ... not. I did not take chekis. I'm sorry. 
This is also a bad joke.

With that, I end my short update post here. Short...update post that looks long because there are a lot of pictures.

If you guys follow me on my social media you would've known that I was in Japan for a little over a month back in March-April, I'll try my best to share my experience on my blog as much as I can, but since I was there on a private internship there's a lot of things that I can't reveal (without getting a good bashing from fangirls too)

But for now, signing off to eat more ice cream!!!

Thanks all for reading ♡

VISUAL KEI PHOTOSHOOT. // 20th August 2014
Model: Yumi, Yuuki
Photography: Vansmo
Post-Processing & Editing: Yumi
